The Separation Barrier
Bimkom has been a partner in some 20 petitions to the High Court challenging the route of the Separation Barrier. In the majority of cases, our contribution to the struggle of the Palestinian communities affected by the Barrier lies in the provision of Expert Opinion Papers, planning information and data relating to the situation on the ground.
In a number of cases, as a result of these activities, the Court ordered changes to be made to the route of the Separation Barrier. In two precedent-setting cases, the High Court ordered that sections of a constructed Barrier be torn down and alternative routes found that would have a lesser impact on the Palestinian villages.
As a result of Bimkom’s intervention (along with partners in the field) 6% of the overall area of the West Bank, which had formerly been appropriated by the government for the route of the Separation Barrier, has been returned to Palestinian communities.
Bimkom has been a partner in some 20 petitions to the High Court challenging the route of the Separation Barrier. In the majority of cases, our contribution to the struggle of the Palestinian communities affected by the Barrier lies in the provision of Expert Opinion Papers, planning information and data relating to the situation on the ground.
In a number of cases, as a result of these activities, the Court ordered changes to be made to the route of the Separation Barrier. In two precedent-setting cases, the High Court ordered that sections of a constructed Barrier be torn down and alternative routes found that would have a lesser impact on the Palestinian villages.
As a result of Bimkom’s intervention (along with partners in the field) 6% of the overall area of the West Bank, which had formerly been appropriated by the government for the route of the Separation Barrier, has been returned to Palestinian communities.