עברית | العربية

POSITION PAPER: The effect of forced transfer on Bedouin Women

Many Bedouin communities in Area C of the West Bank today are threatened with eviction and forced displacement from the areas they live in, and this forced transfer threatens to bring disaster upon them and deteriorate their already precarious situation. This position paper discusses the effects of the forced transfer on Bedouin women and girls … read more

POSITION PAPER: Access to natural resources

Access to Natural Resources: A necessity for the existence of the herding communities in Area C Herding communities in Area C are communities whose economic survival, and to a large extent their social and cultural survival, depend on access to water and grazing lands, the basic natural resources needed for their existence. Since these natural … read more

Trapped by Planning

Over the course of almost fifty years, the Jerusalem Municipality and the Israeli national planning authorities have dealt extensively with planning in Jerusalem, including the planning of the Palestinian neighborhoods of East Jerusalem. And yet, despite the many plans that have been drawn up and approved in this period, the planning situation in these neighborhoods … read more

Planning Assistance in East Jerusalem


Affordable Housing and Urbanism

The Need for Affordable Housing in Israel The need for affordable housing in Israel, has received wide-spread publicity thanks to the social protests of 2011, however, the government has failed to make any real and significant changes. Public resources assigned for housing continue to diminish, much as they have over the past two decades, and at … read more